Donate to help us eliminate domestic violenceDonations
ICADV receives no Government funding and depends solely on community donations and possible grants to be able to achieve their vision and goals.
As an example, the Illawarra DV support booklet and other resources provide valuable information for the community and services that do the vital and tireless work to keep women, men and children safe. ICADV recourses are available in our local refuges, Physiologists, Councillors, NSW Police Domestic Liaison Officers, Family Support Services, Women’s Support Services, Housing agencies and across the Illawarra. These booklets are handed to people who are experiencing DFV as a guide on understanding DFV, what to do and who to contact.
Donation money is also used to educate our front line services on the best methods of responding to DFV, this is done through educational forums and workshops.
Through the local campaign ICADV has also been able to engage with and involve local schools and organisations in the local community to take a stand and act against men’s violence.
We thank you for your continued support that makes a big difference in our community.
Domestic Violence Booket
We print our Domestic Violence booklet that helps victims of domestic and family violence as well as services and organisations that support victims of domestic and family.
Our DV Booklet is a valuable resource in the community and has helped thousands of victims (men and women) across the Illawarra.
We’ve recently updated our booklet which you can download from our resource tab.
Forum and Workshops
Educating the DV services in the Illawarra. ICADV’s purpose is also to support our local services by running educational workshops.
Marketing and Merchandise
We have a range of merchandise that helps us get the message out to the community that Domestic Violence is not OK!
See the merchandise page and if you’d like to purchase an item, just contact us!
Our White Ribbon day events such as the Walk and MotorBike Ride and Bunnings BBQ.
Contact us if you’d like to donate to us, organise a fundraiser or an event.
We appreciate the community support, it’s what keeps us going!